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categoria Amaral

In 2021, we carried out the artistic mentorship Poéticas Femininas na Periferia, with the participation of 30 women visual artists from peripheral spaces of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the critical monitoring process, we held two exhibitions: one virtual, on the website of our project, and another in person, at Paço Imperial, located in the Historic Center of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

This initiative was carried out through the resources of the Aldir Blanc Law, through the public notice Retomada Cultural RJ, organized by the Secretary of State for Culture of Rio de Janeiro, the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, the Special Secretary of Culture and the Federal Government.

categoria Gallindo

Leon Simões

Rodrigo Retka

Fabiano Cunha

categoria Malfatti

Ana Luisa Lima

Luciana Vilela

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Somos um Instituto cultural sem fins lucrativos que trabalha ativamente através do mapeamento, da difusão e do educativo voltado para trabalho de mulheres artistas visuais latino-americanas.

Conheça nosso trabalho e colabore conosco!

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© 2020  by Latin Artists

Website developed by Revés Produções

This is a non-profit project

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We respect freedom of expression and warn that some images of works posted on this site may be considered inappropriate for persons under 18 years of age.

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